Solar Trillions
7 Market and Investment opportunities in the emerging clean-energy economy

We are on the cusp of the fastest, deepest, most profound disruption of the energy sector in over a century
About the Book
Solar Trillions: 7 Market and Investment Opportunities in the Emerging Clean-Energy Economy
Solar Trillions reveals market opportunities worth $35+ trillion of the $382 trillion the world will spend in energy by 2050. Like mobile phones, personal computers and the Internet in the 80s and 90s, solar is growing exponentially and it will soon grab a large share of the energy market. The author shows immediate as well as long-term market opportunities and why science facts and tech trends make solar inevitable. Here are the seven amazing opportunities. 1: Utility Scale Solar - Desert Power: $9 trillion To provide all of America's electricity today, we would need just 100-by-100-mile square of desert. 2: Powering Industry: $7.1 trillion 24/7 solar power is here-and can reliably run factories & industry - from food processing, to pharmaceuticals to data centers. 3. Island/Village Power: $2.6 trillion Two billion people around the world, thousands of islands, and millions of villages, pay up to 10 times today's solar cost. 4: Residential Solar - Power to the People: $8.7 trillion. Solar is already cheaper than grid electricity in hundreds of markets. 5: Clean Water - Bottled Electricity: $1.5 trillion We will hit peak water before we hit peak oil. 6: Storage - Energy in a Box: $5 trillion The race for electricity storage/batteries is on. The first 24/7 solar power plant is on. Solar CSP is way ahead. 7: Smart Grid - Internet Times Ten: $6.5 trillion The eBay of the smart grid is here.
- Tony Seba (RethinkX) (2010)
Reading this book in 2022 when Tony made these predictions years ago is incredible. The way in which he explains all the possible opportunities and the outcomes if we don’t take action is incredible! You need to read this book now!
- Khalid Elshowaya (2022) 5 star Amazon Reviewer